More and more, people are discovering the power of acupuncture for healing both mind and body.
Every cell of your body has an energy or life force to it that has its own natural, healthy vibration. Sometimes our vibrations get out-of-whack, causing dis-harmony or dis-ease. This can affect us physically, mentally, and emotionally. Acupuncture is regarded as energy/vibrational medicine because energy is moved. Blockages are released and a balanced free flow of life energy is restored.
In the early years of my acupuncture practice, I found I did not feel good about treating patients one at a time in a room by themselves and charging $75 per treatment. It seemed most of my patients could not afford to come as often as they needed to get better and stay better. Something about that just did not feel right to me. I learned about the community acupuncture business model and changed my business structure.
I offer 45 minute personalized acupuncture sessions in a peaceful community room. These sessions help to bring the energy of your being into a more harmonious, balanced vibration. Because multiple people are having their treatments at one time, I am able to keep the rate low – at $28.00 per session.
I’ve been providing acupuncture treatments this way since 2010. I am continuously amazed at the affects that acupuncture has on the people that visit the clinic. The power of stillness, a peaceful environment, and tiny needles inserted into certain energy points on the body help quiet mental chatter. People sleep better. Pain dissipates. Allergies and sinuses improve. Skin looks better. People are in better moods and have mental clarity and more energy.
I enjoy being in a peaceful room full of relaxed people. I like knowing they will feel better when they leave and that the skills I have as an acupuncturist help facilitate this.
Weekly acupuncture sessions will improve your life. You will have more energy, sleep better, handle stress better, and be in a better mood. You will feel better physically. You will just feel better!